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Monday, May 21, 2007

How to Take eBay Photos That Sell

By - June Campbell

Do you want to take eBay photos that sell your item?

Taking eBay photos is easy, especially if you have a digital camera.

First, you will do best with natural lighting. If you can, move your item so it is close to a natural light source, such as patio, balcony or window. Incandescent or fluorescent lighting tends to create a “color cast” that distorts your article’s color.

Your digital camera could have a special feature that adjusts your white balance so you get good color when using artificial lighting. However, natural lighting is your best and simplest option.

Turn your camera’s flash to “off” if your camera permits you to do this. Indoor flash lighting can cause an unwanted glare in the photograph. Also, the color is less satisfactory than you get from natural light.

If your picture is too dark or if the automatic flash comes on, then add a second light source. For example, place a lamp or light bulb to one side, or on two sides. If you plan on doing a lot of eBay selling, you might want to invest in a special photography light. If you plan to sell on eBay only occasionally, then you can make do with simple arrangements.

Set your digital camera to take the smallest size picture possible. Many cameras call this the “email setting.” Alternatively, they could call it the “640 by 480” setting.

Larger settings are suitable for pictures that you intend to print. Pictures that you will display on a computer, especially from a web site, can and should be small sized. Computer monitors display pictures at a low resolution called “72 dots per inch”. Higher resolution photographs will still display online at 72 dpi, but will take much longer to download when a potential customer clicks on your eBay sales page. When you’re taking photos that sell on eBay, you don’t want to lose customers by making them wait too long for a picture to download.

Digital cameras are highly sensitive to vibration or movement. For best results, use a tripod to stabilize the camera. You might also try setting the camera on a table or stand and using the Self Timer to take the picture. If you must hold the camera in your hands, holding it with both hands affords the highest stability.

When taking eBay photos that sell, you don’t want a blurry image.

Take a selection of photos with your digital camera. Upload them to your computer for editing. Use photo editing software to resize your photos to meet eBay’s requirements. Photo editing software may have come bundled with your camera. If not, software such as Adobe Photo Elements is a popular choice. eBay’s Basic and Enhanced Picture Services will also do the trick.

About The Author
Imagine Taking Great PicturesWith Your Digital Camera...In Less Than 30 Minutes!

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